How Do I Stay Sober When All My Friends Drink?

How Do I Stay Sober When All My Friends Drink?

Residential treatment or “rehab” facilities provide intensive treatment for alcohol abuse or addiction. Your loved one resides at a special facility for 30 to 90 days and receives treatments such as detox, therapy, and medication.

How Do I Stay Sober When All My Friends Drink

Alcohol is a tricky bag to unpack for me, and for others that I know and love. Some days and weeks, I don’t care a lick for it; others, I care a lot of licks. It’s easier than most of us will admit to default to a glass of wine or a beer out of habit. Soon, we’re reaching for another glass or can.

Why is everyone trying to get me to drink?

Whenever I’m feeling like, “Oh shit, I’m sober and no one else is,” I think back to why I got sober in the first place. All research on the Coastal Detox website, including images, texts and graphics, is strictly for informational purposes. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice. Always consult with a physician before seeking treatment. Please do not ignore information from your doctor because of something you saw on the Coastal Detox website.

How Do I Stay Sober When All My Friends Drink

It’s vital that you stay safe, take care of your own health, and get the support you need. If you’re like most drinkers, you’ve likely surrounded yourself at some point with a group of people who also drink. I’d argue that many of us gravitated to a group of friends who have drinking habits that align with our own, and we did this because we didn’t want sober friends. It’s seen as normal to drink, and quitting that drug can feel like breaking a social pact.

Have alcohol-free options – and serve them in a proper glass

Let them know what they can do to help you. Some people in recovery may feel comfortable being around booze, or even going to bars and clubs. Ultimately, let nondrinkers make that decision for themselves. Hanging out with friends should be a fun experience and something you look forward to. If you’re worried or anxious, you may not be ready for a particular experience. Give yourself time after you leave recovery to build up your resilience and courage.

How Do I Stay Sober When All My Friends Drink

It’s up to you to decide how much information to share and who to share it with. You certainly don’t have to justify your decision.

Because we all need a good laugh from time to time

Drunk me didn’t worry if she belonged, or said the right thing, or had to have small talk because drunk me just handled that. It may also be helpful to get to know yourself on your own, first. Spending sober time becoming familiar with your body intimately can help you better communicate your needs to someone else when you feel ready for that step. Before I quit drinking, I never really used to care about dividing the bill down the middle with a group. At some point after college, it just didn’t matter if someone had a meal that was four dollars more than mine, or if they ate more edamame, or even if they had one more drink than I did. Now that I’m sober, this is a bigger deal. Not only because my portion of the check is significantly smaller than anyone else at the table, but also because I refuse to invest in Big Alcohol.

  • That being said, you might not be at a place where you want people to know you’re not drinking, and that’s OK.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous – Learn more about AA’s 12 steps and find a support meeting in your area.
  • The next is to change your lifestyle and environment.
  • Remember, your future and health are much more important than a drink with friends, no matter how overwhelming it can seem.
  • Remember that the decision to stop drinking is your decision.

It’s important to remember that you never have to give yourself up to make other people comfortable—ever. I do more of what I want, and I pick and choose the alcohol-infused events I go to. If there isn’t something fun for me there, like, say, at a brewery that doesn’t have food or games and only water?

Ways to Enjoy Being Sober When Everyone Else is Drinking

Personally, I always thought drunk people were fun, and I didn’t want my own poop relationship with alcohol to stand out. I wanted to blend in nicely with a crowd who understood that sometimes you just want to drink your face off, or one that didn’t think anything was weird about a glass of noon wine. For many folks—whether they’re sober, sober curious, or just looking to drink less—the thought of making new friends without involving alcohol triggers social anxiety. The thought alone can feel overwhelming and even impossible. Knowing this has built up my self-confidence. It’s allowed me to become a confident, sober woman who isn’t afraid of being the only sober person in the room.

  • Returning to a regular environment and spending time with friends who drink is one of the challenges you might face.
  • Help them find healthier ways to cope with stress.
  • There’s always a chance that you’ll enjoy conversations with your friends more when you’re sober.
  • Lots of young people and fantastic therapists.
  • If they continue to drink, you can decide to tell them you are leaving to remove yourself from the temptation.

There’s nothing more satisfying than hand-kneading a gooey dough, smelling the yeast as it rises, and eating a slice of bread you made from scratch. Plan a date night around being sober around drinkers cooking a new dish together. It can be as elaborate as you’d like—just put on your favorite playlist and enjoy doing something tactile with the person you love.

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